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Qualtrics is a powerful online survey tool for building, distributing, and analyzing surveys.

Get Access to Offline Surveys!

As an MSU affiliated student, staff, or faculty, you have access to Qualtrics Offline Surveys. 

In order to use this feature, it must first be enabled for your account. Email to have this feature turned on in your MSU Qualtrics account. Please include your full name and NetID so that you can be identified within our system. 

Qualtrics Offline Surveys

Qualtrics Offline Surveys is a new application available for iOS and Android that allows you to administer surveys on your mobile device without an internet connection. Responses can be collected in the field on your mobile device, and then uploaded back into Qualtrics as soon as you have an Internet connection. This app is available for iPad, iPhone, and Android tablets and smartphones running Android 4.0 and later.

Step 1: Download the App

The Qualtrics Offline Surveys App allows you to download and manage your surveys from the Qualtrics Research Suite. Surveys can be stored for offline use and responses can be submitted when an internet connection is available. A valid and qualifying Qualtrics Research Suite account is required.

Step 2: Logging into the Offline App

Please Note: The Offline App no longer requires users to generate a Token in order to use the app. New instructions for logging in are listed below.

  • Contact MSU Library to have the Offline App enabled for your account.
  • When you first open the app, select 'Sign in with SSO':

Image of the Login screen to the Qualtrics app with an arrow pointing to sign in with SSO


  • Enter our organization ID: montana 

Image of the Qualtrics app login screen asking for an organizational ID

  • This redirects you to the MSU login screen. Enter you NetID and password. You should see a list of your current projects and can now start using the Offline App!