Qualtrics is a powerful online survey tool for building, distributing, and analyzing surveys. It's available to all MSU faculty, staff, and students with a current NetID and password. Use the link below to access Qualtrics:
I'm filling out an Institutional Review Board (IRB) form. Can you tell me more about Qualtrics security?
Qualtrics provides a statement on their Web site about security. Please read this statement for the most current information on Qualtrics Security.
Any surveys you create and any data you collect remain in Qualtrics as long as you have an active NetID at Montana State University. It is your responsibility to delete any surveys or data you no longer want retained in Qualtrics while you are at Montana State University.
The MSU Library's subscription to Qualtrics includes access to Fraud Detection tools. Please see the links below to learn more about this feature:
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