Qualtrics is a powerful online survey tool for building, distributing, and analyzing surveys. It's available to all MSU faculty, staff, and students with a current NetID and password. Use the link below to access Qualtrics:
Why does my account say it's disabled when I try to log in?
Qualtrics accounts are automatically disabled after 365 days of inactivity. To have your account re-enabled, please email hannah.mckelvey@montana.edu.
If you are logging into the MSU version of Qualtrics for the first time:
Qualtrics Support maintains a library of very thorough documentation to help you successfully create and distribute surveys. Please visit to the following Qualtrics Support pages for help getting started:
To contact Qualtrics Support for direct help via phone, email, or chat, you will first need to verify that you're affiliated with MSU:
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