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Qualtrics is a powerful online survey tool for building, distributing, and analyzing surveys.

Account Disabled

Why does my account say it's disabled when I try to log in?

Qualtrics accounts are automatically disabled after 365 days of inactivity. To have your account re-enabled, please email

Logging in to the MSU Qualtrics Subscription for the First Time

If you are logging into the MSU version of Qualtrics for the first time: 

  1. Navigate to the Qualtrics login link through the Library’s:
  2. Log in with your NetID and password.
  3. On the next page, select "No, I don’t have a preexisting account here".
  4. You will be directed to a screen that says "Your user was created successfully".
  5. Click sign in. You will be directed to the MSU Qualtrics page. After you agree to the terms of service, you will then be able to create surveys.

Creating a Survey

Qualtrics Support maintains a library of very thorough documentation to help you successfully create and distribute surveys. Please visit to the following Qualtrics Support pages for help getting started: 

Contact Qualtrics Support

To contact Qualtrics Support for direct help via phone, email, or chat, you will first need to verify that you're affiliated with MSU:

  1. Go the Qualtrics Support page
  2. Select 'Contact Support' in the upper right side of the page
  3. DO NOT enter a username/password on this page
  4. Instead, select 'Sign in with SSO'
  5. Enter 'montana' (lowercase letters) as the Organization ID and select 'Continue'
  6. Sign in with your NetID and password