Collaborate with our faculty librarians with our Library Instruction services! We work with you to develop effective information literacy instruction and assessment through in-person and/or virtual teaching sessions tailored to your specific course requirements. Request Library Instruction.
Teach Research with Library Resources
Teach your students essential information literacy skills, such as navigating library databases, refining search queries, discerning fake news, and understanding scholarly research.The library has created and compiled resources to support instructors teaching research and information literacy skills in their own classes, including Lesson Plans, Activities, and Handouts for both in person classes and online asynchronous classes.
The Library has extensive access to articles, books, databases, journals, archives, special collections, and streaming video. We can also help you integrate library materials into your Brightspace!
What about textbooks? Discover a rich array of books and eBooks from top academic publishers, offering materials often used by faculty. While we don't buy textbooks, many other instructor-assigned books are accessible within our collections.
Have a book in mind? Check our collections first. You can also consider utilizing open education textbook (OER) for high-quality, free resources for your students.
Faculty Librarian Assistance
Be it Videos, Journal Articles, or unique Montana materials, our faculty will work one-on-one with you to identify resources available and help you provide clear access to them.
Seamlessly incorporate library materials into your Brightspace course, ensuring smooth access for your students. We've simplified the process to of getting materials into Brightspace; check out tutorials on this page for more information on specific types of resources.
Purchase and Subscription Request Form For when we don't have what you need, use this form to give us details of any purchases you would like your Library to make.
Faculty Favorite Links
Let us create a custom course research guide for your students! Faculty librarians will create a guide with tailored recommendations specifically for your course, including helpful databases, journals, research tips, and more. Take a look at existing course guides here.
In addition to Library tutorials, the MSU Library subscribes to Credo Information Literacy - CORE multimedia content. The videos, interactive tutorials, and quizzes use innovative technology and proven pedagogy to build essential research, information literacy and critical-thinking skills that will help students thrive in their academic careers and beyond.
Tutorial Sections
We're excited to offer Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant Funds to help transition course materials to open and freely accessible resources. This initiative provides funding to support adoption, adaptation, or authoring of OER textbooks and materials.
We welcome grant applications from individuals, teams, departments, and programs seeking to increase access to high-quality learning materials for MSU students. Learn more about the initiative and application process.
Would you like to include MSU Library Quick Skills for Research videos in your online course space?
Unless otherwise noted the content on this LibGuide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.