Your students need videos/articles/labs/research, and we know you don't need to deal with access and link issues. We can help with that too!
You can now access the library directly in Brightspace and pull items from the Library's collections into your course shell. Use our tool within D2L to help your students get and utilize the information they need to succeed. For more Brightspace help, visit eCats
Stable links are URL's for online library resources (i.e., journal articles, e-books. streaming media) that can safely be reused for off-campus access.
Use MSU Library's proxy prefix string at the beginning of your URL. This prompts users to log in to the Library's system with their NetID and passwords:
Your URL should look like this:
Journal articles, e-books, videos, and other library resources can all be easily embedded into your Brightspace/D2L course. For questions about stable links contact Hannah McKelvey, Electronic Resources Librarian for assistance.
Would you like to include MSU Library Quick Skills for Research videos in your online course space?
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