Some times school can be little bit "ruff." Take the stress off by spending time with an animal!
We hope these animal pictures give you a warm fuzzy feeling. The library brings in a variety of animals throughout the semester to help provide a brain break, and hosts the Paws to De-Stress event before finals begin.
Giant cockroaches can be relaxing too!
Look at the size of that Angora rabbit!
Armin, a ball python
Mini Horse = Max Fun
"I love Paws to De-Stress. Every year it helps me get through finals week."
Survey feedback from a Paws to De-Stress attendee
Nellie, the bearded dragon
"I relaxed a ton and couldn't stop smiling."
Survey feedback from a Paws to De-Stress attendee
a Russian tortoise
Most of the animals during Paws to De-Stress are dogs, but sometimes there's a cat.
Sometimes there's a donkey at Paws to De-Stress! This is Oliver.
"They took my mind off my workload for a little."
Survey feedback from a Paws to De-Stress attendee
Giant rabbits!
Although they're not trained therapy animals, alpacas can also help you de-stress.
Thanks to our friends at Alpacas of Montana for bringing the alpacas to the library!
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