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MSU Library Stress Relief Guide

Stress Relief Activities



Some times school can be little bit "ruff." Take the stress off by spending time with an animal!

We hope these animal pictures give you a warm fuzzy feeling. The library brings in a variety of animals throughout the semester to help provide a brain break, and hosts the Paws to De-Stress event before finals begin. 


Animal Events at the Library Slideshow

Giant cockroaches can be relaxing too!

two students holding two rabbits, one large and one small

Look at the size of that Angora rabbit!

Armin, a ball python

Mini Horse = Max Fun

"I love Paws to De-Stress. Every year it helps me get through finals week." 
Survey feedback from a Paws to De-Stress attendee

Nellie, the bearded dragon

"I relaxed a ton and couldn't stop smiling."
Survey feedback from a Paws to De-Stress attendee

student holding a russian tortoise

a Russian tortoise

Most of the animals during Paws to De-Stress are dogs, but sometimes there's a cat.

Sometimes there's a donkey at Paws to De-Stress! This is Oliver.

"They took my mind off my workload for a little."
Survey feedback from a Paws to De-Stress attendee

Giant rabbits!

Although they're not trained therapy animals, alpacas can also help you de-stress.
Thanks to our friends at Alpacas of Montana for bringing the alpacas to the library!