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Veteran Student Library Resource Guide

Your field guide to the MSU Library

Finding Databases by Subject

  1. ​​​​​​Starting from the library homepage,,
  2. Click Find
  3. Click Articles & Research Databases
  4. Click the All Subjects drop down menu to filter by subject. 
  5. Choose your subject. A list of suggested databases will appear. 
  6. Select a database to start searching in, then enter keywords – if there are multiple search boxes, enter one keyword per box. 

Find, Articles, By Subject

Video: Finding Databases by Subject:

The video shows the same steps outlined above. This is in place of a transcript, because there are no spoken words in the video.

Finding Full-Text Articles in Subject Databases

  1. Choose a database
  2. Enter keywords to search. Example: Dogs AND (Depression OR anxiety)
  3. Filter by peer-reviewed articles, by subject, date, etc. 
  4. Download the PDF of articles with full text access
  5. OR, Click Check MSU availability to check if we have access elsewhere
    1. If we do have access, download the PDF 
    2. OR, Click Request it! and the library will try to get a free copy from another library 

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Video: Finding Databases by Subject:

The video shows the same steps outlined above. This is in place of a transcript, because there are no spoken words in the video.