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US 101: First Year Seminar

This guide will help you complete your research assignment for US 101.

This guide is designed to support your coursework in US 101: First Year Seminar. Stumped? Your library is here to help!

Thanks to the University of Oregon Libraries for allowing remix of this graphic under a Creative Commons license.

Research Project

Research Project

Throughout the semester, you have read and discussed texts that have presented complicated issues where right and wrong are not always easily defined. For this group project, you will work in teams to examine the ethical and moral issues related to justice that is embedded in the work of the course.

Expectations and Requirements:

There are four different phases of work that you will complete for this project. Some of these phases will be team oriented and others will be individual. Specifics for each phase follow, and each phase is designed to set you up for success in later portions more difficult to complete. You will be evaluated individually (topic exploration workshop attendance and engaged participation, annotated bibliography based on your research and lens, and presentation storyboard for your portion of the group presentation)as well as being a contributing member of the team presentation.

  • Phase I: Topic Exploration - The tabs for Topic Selection, and Keywords & Search Terms will help you complete this section of the research project.
  • Phase II: Annotated Bibliography - The tabs for Search for Article, Books & More and Annotated Bibliography will help you complete this section of the research project.
  • Phase III: Presentation Storyboard 
  • Phase IV: Team Presentation 

The full details of this assignment are in your US 101 course packet.