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MSU Salaries

How to find MSU faculty, professional, and administrator salaries

How to Obtain Salary Information for MSU (Bozeman) Employees

Montana University System (MUS) salaries are public information under Montana law, however, unlike other states, there is no central posting of salaries for the system. Each campus establishes its own procedures for providing access to these data.

Montana State University (Bozeman) provides salary data in several ways:

  1. For specific individual, department, or title based queries into Montana State University salaries, you must contact University Data & Analytics via email:
    1. Please note: This is the only way to get salary information for the MSU Bozeman campus. You must contact the University Data & Analytics office directly with your individual request.
  2. Aggregated data on salaries by titles, disciplines, and employee types are publicly accessible on the MSU Salary Information webpage.
  3. Benchmark data from similar universities on salaries by titles, disciplines, and employee groups are available from the Data & Analytics website. MSU’s agreements with the organizations that provide that proprietary information restricts access to MSU-affiliated individuals and cannot be publicly shared. You can view it from the MSU Salary Information webpage with an MSU NetID.
  4. Additional non-salary data on faculty and staff, e.g. demographic diversity data, are available on the OPA Employee Data webpage.

Other Montana Salaries

MSU Salary Links

If you are a DIY searcher and don't mind sifting through meeting minutes for older salary information, the links below might be of interest.

Since public employee salaries are public information, the MSU faculty salaries have been made available via multiple sources over the years. Prior to 2007, they typically appeared in the agenda items for the Board of Regents (BOR) meetings with the bulk of the salaries approved at the September meeting each year.

BOR (Montana Board of Regents): Admin, Coaches, Tenure