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Welcome to the resource guide for Economics at Montana State University. This guide provides a variety of resources for people in economics, including article databases, journals, government information, and websites. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
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Individuals, business firms and governments face daily decisions about how to allocate scarce resources. The choices are extensive and range from which career to seek, workers to hire, goods to produce and policies to implement. Economics is the study of this critical decision-making behavior. It is a mode of thinking and reasoning with widespread application.
The skills that employers value most highly are the ability to think critically and carefully, the ability to learn new skills and the ability to solve problems. Some vocations may require very specific skills (for example, knowledge of a particular computer software package). However, skill requirements change over time. The need for people who can think, learn and solve problems is timeless. Economics hones these time-honored abilities.
Economics degree options at Montana State University
Graduate-level Economics at Montana State University
The American Economic Association also has a collection of useful resources for students.
The following databases focus on economics or related fields:
Articles, market, industry and SWOT analysis reports, studies, and other business news
Provides indexing of older humanities and social science scholarly journals from 1907-1984
Locate working papers on economic research
Unless otherwise noted the content on this LibGuide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.