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Philosophy Research Guide

This guide provides starting points for your research in philosophy.

Finding Full Text

The full text of many articles is available through our databases.  If the full text of a specific article doesn't seem to be linked directly from the database, here are your other options for getting the full text.


Use Check MSU Availability within a database.  If the article is in a journal to which we subscribe, you will either be linked right to that article (electronic access) or be linked into the library catalog to get a call number so you can find the journal in the library (print access).  If we don't subscribe to the journal, you will find a link to get in to interlibrary loan (the Request It! service) - make a request and we will get a copy from another library for you.

If you have a citation for which you are trying to find full text, use the Journals by Title list to look for the journal by title.  The JournaList is a list of all our periodical holdings, both electronic and print.  If we subscribe, the Journals by Title list is a quick way to find that out. If we do have the journal, you will be linked to electronic access or to the catalog to get a call number.  The Journal by Title list can be found on the library's home page in the FIND area.

If the library does not subscribe to a journal, you can request your article through interlibrary loan (Request It!) and we will get a copy for you from another library.  You log in to your Request It! account (formerly ILLiad) using the same username and password you use for D2L (Net/ID and associated password).   You can get  to interlibrary loan from the library's home page in the REQUEST area.

Find Journals and Articles

The resources listed below are just some of the subject-focused indexes to journal and magazine articles available through the MSU Libraries. Go to our indexes and databases page to see all of your options. Many of the online indexes provide easy access to the full-text of articles; other older indexes are in print format and you may need help finding the text of the articles you identify in them. The list below includes databases of both primary and secondary sources. If you need a human being's input: ASK FOR HELP!