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Other Guides to Literary Archives
Society of American Archivists (SAA) Resources
Geek out on literary content on the Web by exploring these selected resources. Use Google to locate more. Search for your author's name and the words papers, collection, archive...
Knowing more about an author's life, publications, relationships, etc., through use of secondary sources such as biographies and reference sources can be very helpful when you are doing research in literary archives. The MSU Library has a number of literary reference databases (and databases of scholarly articles such as the MLA) that you can access as a student to find out background information for most authors writing in English.
Access entries from the Dictionary of Literary Biography and find additional information on authors and their works
Modern Languages Association search for literature, language/linguistics, folklore, film, literary theory, and dramatic arts
For more databases of interest to English literature studies, see the MSU Library's subject database lists for English and History. These lists include databases of primary and secondary sources. If you want to really geek out you can read digital surrogates of the same magazines that Emily Dickson was reading reproduced in databases like the American Antiquarian Society or 19th Century American Periodicals.
Unless otherwise noted the content on this LibGuide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.