These search tools allow you to limit your search to images that can be reused in various ways.
Historical photos ranging in date from 1893 through the 1960s
Historical photos from 1890 though 1960 of Twin Bridges, Montana and the surrounding southwest Montana area
Images, illustrations, charts, and other visual material can make your papers and presentations more interesting and informative.
It is easy to find and download images from the Web. However, your use of these digital images downloaded from the Web or scanned from a print source may be restricted by copyright.
You can generally use these images for non-published, educational purposes, but you must still cite your source.
The Digital Image Rights Computator can help you figure out whether or not you can legally use an image.
Creative Commons Licenses
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that has developed a standardized ways for creators to determine which rights they reserve and which ones they waive. Even though you do not need to obtain permission to use these images, they still require attribution (citation) when they are used.
Public Domain
Works by the U.S. Government are considered in the public domain and are not covered by copyright.
Some styles such as APA provide specific citation styles for images from the Web. The CSE (Council of Science Editors) Manual does not have a specific citation format for Web images. Generally, the following information, when available, should be included in your citation:
Information on Citing Images from Wikimedia Commons (from Scientific American)
Documentaries and video series from PBS, including NOVA, Nature, American Experience, and Frontline
Video documentaries produced worldwide from the earliest civilizations to the late twentieth century
Wide variety of educational films and documentaries
If you're a student or faculty member, you can use any Kanopy film in your class. Films with public performance rights (PPR) can be used for extracurricular events, like film clubs or social events. Films with PPR will have an icon next to the running time on the details page of the individual film.
Search across library-subscribed Alexander Street Press streaming video collections
Study American history through streaming video content
Episodes of Meet the Press, a weekly American television news broadcast, including interviews, panels, and debates
Unless otherwise noted the content on this LibGuide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.