Scholarly journal articles are usually considered secondary sources. Most of the following MSU Library subscription databases offer full-text of scholarly articles in history and related fields. Some offer bibliographic information only. For help using these databases or accessing full-text, contact a librarian or use Ask the Library options.
Journals, magazines, and newspapers in almost every subject area
Publications about the history and culture of the United States and Canada
Indexed records on subjects pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide (1971 - current)
Scholarly articles, books, & documents
Articles, books, proceedings, and dissertations about art history from 1975 - 2007 (no links to MSU holdings)
Research world history since 1450 (excluding U.S. and Canada)
Journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in the humanities and social sciences
Journal articles and eBooks in literature, history, visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, and gender studies
Large, combined database of scholarly articles, books, and data sets (1637 - current)
Most of the Library's subscription databases enable you to connect directly from a citation record to the full-text article online, if available.
Click on the Check MSU Availability link in the database record to search MSU's collections for the full-text article.
If we do not have access to the article in print or electronic format (No Print or Online Copy Found), select Request It! to access the Interlibrary Loan online request form. Interlibrary Loan is a free service provided to you by the Library -- the article will be sent to you within a few days as a PDF file.
Articles contain the most current information published in a field of study.
Most professors and researchers prefer articles that are "scholarly" in nature (as opposed to "popular," such as magazine and newspaper articles). Scholarly journals generally have the following qualities:
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