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Graphic Description
- Who
- What population or group do you want to look at? Is there an age group to focus on?
- Examples: College students, seniors, children, teens
- What
- What is the subject area or discipline? Does it meet your assignment requirements?
- Examples: Terrorism, American Revolution, Agriculture
- Where
- What geographic location do you want to focus on? This can be a city, state, country, or other.
- Examples: Chicago, Montana, Great Britain, North America
- When
- What time period are you wanting to cover with your research? Is it historical or current?
- Examples: 2000 - present, 1776 -1780, Overview of 1800 - today
- Why
- Why is the topic important? To you? To your course of study? To society as a whole?
- Examples: Personal experience, major theory, current event