Nursing and allied health literature
Sports medicine, exercise physiology, biomechanics, training, coaching, and physical education content
Videos on sports medicine and exercise science
Peer-reviewed journals in the fields of physical activity and education, sport, kinesiology, and public health
Large, combined database of scholarly articles, books, and data sets (1637 - current)
Journals, magazines, and newspapers in almost every subject area
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Evidence-based medical information, clinical trials, and systematic reviews on the effectiveness of healthcare interventions.
Consumer health database offering access to authoritative information on health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices, including a drug and herb finder
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Medical information including nursing, health care systems, pre-clinical sciences, and dentistry, veterinary medicine
Information on dietary supplements and alternative therapies
Articles in the field of nursing and health sciences
Resources covering the fields of physical therapy, physical fitness, and sports medicine
Journal articles and eBooks in literature, history, visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, and gender studies
Journal articles and books in behavioral science and mental health (1806 - current)
Citation search for journal articles in health and life sciences
Journal articles and eBooks in science, engineering, social sciences, and humanities
Broad coverage of scholarly journals articles in all disciplines and citation searching (1900 - current)