The full text of many articles is available through our databases. If it is not, here are your other options for getting the full text.
Use the Check MSU Availability link within a database. If the article is in a journal to which we subscribe, you will either get linked right to that article (electronic access), to the online journal, or to a link that tells you we have the journal in print only. If we don't subscribe to the journal or only have it in print, you will find a link to get in to Request It! - make a request and we will get a copy from another library for you.
If you have a citation for which you are trying to find full text, use the Journals by Title link under FIND to look for the journale. Journals by Title is a list of all our periodical holdings, both electronic and print. If we subscribe, the Journals by Title link is a quick way to find that out. Again, if we do have the journal, you will be linked to electronic access or information about print.
If the library does not subscribe to a journal, you can request your article through Request It! (under REQUEST on the library home page) and we will get a copy for you from another library. You log in to Request It! using the same username and password you use for D2L (Net/ID and associated password).
Use one of these indexes or databases to find specific articles in a variety of nursing journals. You will be asked for a username and password if you are accessing these resources from off campus - just use your NetID and password. To see all the databases available to you, go to our Articles & Research Databases page from the FIND link on the library home page.
Evidence-based medical information, clinical trials, and systematic reviews on the effectiveness of healthcare interventions.
Global coverage of both the developing and developed world
Search a suite of evidence-based practice resources in healthcare and medical fields
Medical information including nursing, health care systems, pre-clinical sciences, and dentistry, veterinary medicine
Journal articles and books in behavioral science and mental health (1806 - current)
Citation search for journal articles in health and life sciences
Valuable information on nursing leadership and management can be found in other subject databases. To see all of the databases available through the MSU Library, go to our Articles & Research Databases page.
Articles, market, industry and SWOT analysis reports, studies, and other business news
Quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and more
Quick statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the U.S.
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