To View Documents and eBooks from a Computer or Device Browser:
You will only need to search for and add a class once. After you have done so, the class will appear on your main page. You can click on the class title and then proceed from step 4 above.
On Kindle:
*Some Kindles have browser capabilities. Depending on which version of the Kindle you have, it may be possible to get pdfs online directly from the Kindle by logging in through MSU's proxy server. For other versions, you will not be able to do this and must instead download documents onto a desktop, then upload them onto your Kindle.
On Nook:
*Some Nooks have browser capabilities. Depending on which version of the Nook you have, it may be possible to get pdfs online directly from the Kindle by logging in through MSU's proxy server. For other versions, you will not be able to do this and must instead download documents onto a desktop, then upload them onto your Nook.
On an iPad or Mobile Device:
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