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eReaders, Tablets, and eBooks

Information on eReaders, tablet computers, and other devices for reading eBooks on smaller devices and using such devices with other library resources


ScienceDirect is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and more than 11,000 books. There are currently more than 9.5 million articles/chapters, a content base that is growing at a rate of almost 0.5 million additions per year.


EReaders and ScienceDirect

To View Documents and eBooks from a Computer or Device Browser:

  1. From the library's homepage, click on Articles & Research Databases.
  2. Under "by format," click on +full list.
  3. Select Ebooks.
  4. Select ScienceDirect.
  5. Once you have chosen a book to view, click on the title (books available as full text to MSU users will have green keys).
  6. Find the chapter you wish to view, then click on the pdf link to view.  (ScienceDirect eBooks can be downloaded to your desktop on a chapter-by-chapter basis.  That is, you will have to download each chapter individually.)



On Kindle:

  1. Follow steps 1-6 above in your Kindle browser.*


  1. Follow steps 1-6 above on your laptop or desktop computer.
  2. Click the floppy disk icon or choose "Save Page As" from the file menu.
  3. Save the document (as a pdf) to your desktop or selected folder.
  4. Upload document onto your Kindle following these instructions.

*Some Kindles have browser capabilities.  Depending on which version of the Kindle you have, it may be possible to get pdfs online directly from the Kindle by logging in through MSU's proxy server.  For other versions, you will not be able to do this and must instead download documents onto a desktop, then upload them onto your Kindle.


On Nook:

  1. Follow steps 1-6 above in your Nook browser.*

*Some Nooks have browser capabilities.  Depending on which version of the Nook you have, it may be possible to get pdfs online directly from the Kindle by logging in through MSU's proxy server.  For other versions, you will not be able to do this and must instead download documents onto a desktop, then upload them onto your Nook.



To View Documents and eBooks from an iPad or Other Mobile Device:

  1. Follow steps 1-6 above in your mobile device browser.
  2. If you wish to save PDFs from the web to your device then you will need to explore ways to do this, depending on what device you are using.  For example, the iPad does not have a native app to do this, but there are several options that exist, including GoodReader and Web to PDF.


  1. Follow steps 1-6 above on your laptop or desktop computer.
  2. Click the floppy disk icon or choose "Save Page As" from the file menu.
  3. Save the document (as a pdf) to your desktop or selected folder.
  4. Upload document onto your device using the USB port (if available).  iPad users can upload documents using iDisk, following these instructions. Another option is to use the Dropbox app.  More information about Dropbox can be found here.

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