Industry reports and surveys provide an overview of the industry. They might include forces impacting the industry, major players, current trends and information on how to analyze the industry. Below are some recommended sources.
Industry market research and risk ratings reports
Includes the following modules:
Quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and more
Industry, company, and investment analysis including S&P Industry Surveys; stock, mutual fund, and bond reports; The Outlook, and key ratios and by industry. 3 million private and public companies.
Articles, market, industry and SWOT analysis reports, studies, and other business news
Corporate, business, and industry data and reports
Includes the following databases:
Information and advice on stocks, the stock market, and industries
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by the U.S. Federal government and some commercial information sources for classifying businesses by industry.
To learn more about a specific market, see if you can locate a trade associations. Associations often provide information on industry trends, consumer buying habits within that industry, and help with networking. Some information is freely availalbe and other information may be restriced to members only.
Online directories of brands, associations, libraries, and broadcast media
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