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Nursing & Medical Research Guide

Library and other information resources for nursing, WWAMI, and health sciences students and faculty

Getting books or copies of articles

Use CatSearch to locate books (and more) on your nursing topics. From your results page, refine your results to BOOKS in the lefthand column. 

Please note that the MSU Library purchases mostly ebooks for Nursing students and faculty in order to provide online ebook access to all five of our nursing campuses: Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls, Kalispell, Missoula. 

Need a book from either our collection or one that we don't own?  Just Request It!  *Hint: in the NOTES field of the request form, please note "Distance Student" to help speed up your request. 

Regardless of where you're located, your book(s) will be mailed to you at our expense, and we'll provide you with a postage-paid label to return it to us.  If you borrow our books, the checkout period for graduate stuidents is one semester; if you borrow books from other libraries through our Request It! service, the lending library will specify the due date and it will be marked on your book on a bright pink slip. 

Questions about book renewals?  you can renew your books from the MSU collection through My Account in the library catalog or you can contact our circulation staff at or by calling 406-994-3139.

Need an article from a journal that we don't own?  Simply Request It! and we'll get you a copy of that article at no charge from another library; typcially we'll get them to you in PDF format.  You'll be notified via email once that article is ready for you to retrieve from your account and a link back in to Request It! to retrieve the article.  NOTE:  when searching article databases, once you click on CHECK MSU Availability, the Request It! link will appear if there's NO PRINT OR ONLINE COPY FOUND, i.e, if we don't own that journal.  Just login and submit your request!

Need a magazine or journal article that we only have in print?  Just Request It! and our staff will scan and deliver to you as a pdf; you'll get an email notification with a link to retrieve it! 

FINAL NOTE ABOUT GETTING LIBRARY MATERIALS DELIVERED TO YOU:  you'll receive notification of articles posted to your Request It! account at your email address of record.  Please confirm in your MYINFO account that your PREFERRED email address is the one you're currently using because that is the account to which  notifications will be sent.